By Tony Schueth, CEO & Managing Partner
The DEA’s April 21 document is aimed at revisiting some requirements of the original IFR in light of changes in technology and the healthcare landscape, which have occurred since the original IFR was issued in 2010. Comments are due by close of business on June 22, 2020.
Point-of-Care Partners (POCP) has been deeply involved in EPCS for the past 14 years. We have testified frequently on related standards and technology issues before the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS), as well as provided technical assistance to both the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). In fact, POCP testified on the need for EPCS at NCVHS’s hearings in 2006, which helped inform the development of the DEA’s original IFR.
We applaud the DEA for revisiting its EPCS requirements. Since there is no timeline for potentially issuing a final EPCS, we urge the DEA to reopen the IFR comment period in five years to assess and subsequently adopt new technologies that will support the agency’s core mission and the changing needs of healthcare with regard to EPCS. A ten-year window for revisiting EPCS is untenable in light of rapid developments that are occurring in technologies and the delivery of healthcare.
POCP submitted a detailed comment letter, which is available here. The following is a summary of our comments. They fall into four categories: 1) Synchronization of requirements by the federal and state governments; 2) provider authentication; 3) approval of additional transactions; and 4) looking ahead to the post-COVID-19 era.
In addition, the patchwork of federal and state requirements concerning EPCS creates confusion in the market and leaves the door open to possible unintended diversion opportunities. Consistency is needed to ensure the most secure and efficient use of resources by law enforcement and the healthcare system.
As suggested in the April 21 Federal Register document, there are possible technology updates that would be compliant and more in sync with today’s prescribing workflows. In particular are those authentication modalities that could be used with the prescriber’s smart phone. Use of a smart phone in care delivery is becoming increasingly important and various mobile applications have burst into the healthcare mainstream in response to changing business needs and legislation, including the 21st Century Cures Act.
Prescribers increasingly are using their smart phones and tablets to prescribe medications. This is true in the office and with the accelerated use of telemedicine in response to the COVID-19 crisis. (Experts believe telehealth will remain as a key diagnostic and treatment modality even after the crisis subsides.) Most telehealth platforms encompass both audio and video. It is important to note that many desktop computers do not have those capabilities. As a result, providers use their smartphones and tablets for the video visit, which are subsequently used for prescribing. With the COVID-19 crisis, video visits typically occur outside the physician’s office. The DEA’s original authentication and log-in requirements are not user-friendly and fall outside of these out-of-office workflows.
We recommend the DEA approve the following transactions for use in EPCS:
Electronic Refill request/response. Electronic Refill authorization requests for controlled substances are a frequent occurrence. This issue has become particularly acute because of the quantity limits on controlled substance prescriptions that many states have put in place to fight the opioid epidemic.
Allowing EPCS for refill requests would accomplish several things. First, make it easier for prescribers to leverage EHR-enabled state PDMPs, or prescription drug monitoring programs. Second, not being able to authorize an EPCS renewal request electronically moves the process of managing these prescriptions outside of the prescriber’s EHR workflow, back to paper and faxes. Vital drug allergy and drug interaction checking features of the EHR cannot take place if the renewal request is on paper, putting patient safety at risk. Moreover, the number and frequency of refill requests (or lack of a refill request) could indicate that the patient is not taking a medication, or not taking it correctly. Such medication nonadherence costs the healthcare system some $290 billion annually.
Prescription transfers (or forwarding). Many times, a pharmacy receives an electronic prescription for a controlled substance and cannot fill it because the medication is not in stock or the patient decides to use a different pharmacy. Instead of being able to forward the prescription electronically to another pharmacy, the patient either must go back or contact the prescriber and obtain a new prescription or the pharmacy must spend time on the phone seeking authorization for a transfer. This places administrative burden on the pharmacy, prescriber, and patient, as well as opens the door to diversion by providing a paper prescription.
Resends. Electronically transmitted prescriptions occasionally don’t go through to the pharmacy and need to be resent. If a prescription transmission fails, the prescriber now has to handwrite a new prescription and notate that the original failed. This process can be a real issue for many patients, especially on weekends when the pharmacy cannot get in touch with the prescriber. It also transfers the burden on the pharmacy, prescriber, and patient, as well as opens the door to diversion by providing a paper prescription.
POCP continues to monitor progress with EPCS and stay involved in related technological and regulatory issues. We’d be happy to provide more information as well as help your organization develop a comment letter. Reach out to me at