Author: Brian Dwyer

Brian Dwyer

Brian Dwyer
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Observations from the Field: Understanding and Leveraging CMS-0057 for Strategic Advantage

In our role as health IT consultants, we consistently encounter a common issue when discussing the CMS Interoperability and Prior Authorization Final Rule (CMS-0057) with...

Webinar Recap: Is 2024 The Year of the Pharmacist?

If you missed our recent webinar titled " Is 2024 The Year of the Pharmacist? Harnessing the Potential of Pharmacy Interoperability & Advanced Practice ", don’t worry—I’ve got you...

Beyond Compliance: Achieving Excellence in Execution – Mastering Iterative Improvements

The final blog in our series, focusing on Execution & Iteration, brings our compliance journey to its most dynamic phase. Read the first and second blogs in the series to catch up...

Beyond Compliance: Transforming Insights into Impact – The Journey from Analysis to Action

In the first blog of this series, we broached the complexities of the "Assess and Analyze" phase, emphasizing the importance of a thorough understanding of the regulatory...

Beyond Compliance: The Strategic Roadmap – Starting with Assessment and Analysis

The CMS rule on advancing interoperability and improving prior authorization (CMS-0057-F) sets a foundation for future policymaking. As payers embark on this compliance journey,...

Reflecting on HIMSS24: Insights and Innovations from the Front Lines

As spring blossoms each year, the healthcare IT community gears up for one of its most anticipated events: the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)...

POCP at ViVE24: Sessions and Perspectives

As the countdown to ViVE24 begins, the healthcare industry is gearing up for a deep dive into the latest trends and innovations shaping the future of patient care. Point-of-Care...

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