
The Clock is Ticking: Preparing for NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Version F6 Compliance

In late 2024, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) named National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) Telecommunication Standard Version F6 in the...

Keeping Pace with Policy: The Importance of Staying Ahead of Regulatory Changes

In today’s complex health IT regulatory environment, keeping up with constant policy shifts can feel overwhelming. From evolving federal mandates to ever-changing state...

REMS Automation: Advancing Patient Safety Through Collaboration

Patient safety is always the top priority, and there are many programs in place to support continuous improvement. As a consultant with POCP and subject matter expert on the CodeX...

Another Year on the NCPDP Board of Trustees: Reflecting & Looking Ahead

As I reflect on another impactful year on the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) Board of Trustees, the connection between my role at Point-of-Care Partners...

Pharmacy Interoperability: A Review of POCP's Response to ONC's Proposed Rule on Health Data, Tech, & Interoperability

Point-of-Care Partners (POCP) recently responded to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) proposed rule on "Health Data, Technology, and...

Unleashing the Potential: Highlights from the NCPDP Annual Meeting and the Future of Pharmacy - A Glimpse from My Perspective

Hello, readers! Pooja Babbrah here, Lead of our Pharmacy & PBM services at Point-of-Care Partners (POCP) and former Chair of the Board of Trustees for the National Council for...

Feds Officially Acknowledge Two NCPDP Standards. Part 2. What’s Next

By Pooja Babbrah, Practice Lead, PBM Services and Jocelyn Keegan, Payer/Practice Lead

Feds Officially Acknowledge Two NCPDP Standards. Part 1. Why This is a Big Deal

By Pooja Babbrah, Practice Lead, PBM Services and Jocelyn Keegan, Payer/Practice Lead

DERF-a-Palooza at NCPDP

By Michael Burger, Senior Consultant

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