I sometimes imagine ways our journey to true interoperability could be expedited. I’m not espousing there is some magical pill that will solve all our woes in healthcare, but what...
Teresa Younkin

Teresa Younkin is an experienced health care informaticist with 20+ years’ experience leading health IT projects across the health care spectrum to break down information silos and pilot new technologies. Teresa joined Point-of-Care Partners (POCP) bringing skills in strategic planning, program development, and the successful deployments of health care technologies. Teresa works with health care organizations to see the bigger vision to understand and use data as an asset to support strategic initiatives. She uses the ability to be a collaborative communicator to yield positive results when initiating and strengthening strategic partnerships with a 360-degree view of health care across clinical and payer organizations.
Teresa’s expertise includes strategy design, clinical workflow optimization, risk adjustment improvement, the use health information exchange, interoperability, EHR optimization, community development, and business transformation. She has been instrumental in several health care innovations, including being the product manager of one of the nation’s first FHIR apps, using health information exchange to improve risk scores for health plan members, and integrating behavioral health data into the pediatric setting. Teresa joined POCP to help health care organizations bring together the clinical and payer perspectives in a way that benefits POCP clients looking to create efficiencies and innovate across all lines of business and health care settings.
Teresa strives to always live out her mission and vision to help health care leaders and teams bring their health IT initiatives to life using proven strategies and action-by-action steps to get it done, because every human deserves to be heard and validated when they interact with their health care system.
In both public and private settings, Teresa has worked to improve the overall state of health care administration and gaining buy-in from key stakeholders at all levels, including industry-leading integrated delivery networks such as Geisinger Clinical Enterprise, SAMHSA, Geisinger Health Plan, and ONC. She has served as a Board Member of the Central Pennsylvania Chapter of HIMSS, participated in several HIMSS panels on health care innovations, and presented at the American Public Health Association. She has also been instrumental in designing physician education programs to meet regulatory requirements.
Teresa has served as adjunct faculty in Health Informatics at the University of New England and Temple University.
Her past experience developing grassroots efforts to improve community health resulted in an effective approach to gain consensus with cross-functional teams to achieve project goals. She has helped organizations realize significant savings working with multi-stakeholder initiatives.
Teresa’s academic background includes a Master’s degree in Health Informatics from Misericordia University, a BS in Accounting, and a BS in Finance from the University of Southern Colorado. She also has her Product Management Certification from the Pragmatic Marketing Institute, is a Certified SCRUM Master, and has a CPHIMS certification. She believes in always upskilling and recently attended Harvard University to get a certificate in Leadership Strategies focused on team development.
When Teresa is out of the office you can find her biking interesting trails around the country. She has never outgrown being an Army brat and loves to travel. She splits her time between Virginia Beach and the Phoenix area. On any given day, Teresa can be found planning her next adventure and the next place to visit.
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