
Don’t Delay! Prepare for CMS PA & Burden-Reduction Rule Now

The prior authorization process has long been a thorn in the proverbial side of healthcare. Providers, payers, and patients (perhaps most of all) have come to regard this...

Feds Officially Acknowledge Two NCPDP Standards. Part 2. What’s Next

By Pooja Babbrah, Practice Lead, PBM Services and Jocelyn Keegan, Payer/Practice Lead

Feds Officially Acknowledge Two NCPDP Standards. Part 1. Why This is a Big Deal

By Pooja Babbrah, Practice Lead, PBM Services and Jocelyn Keegan, Payer/Practice Lead

What’s Up with the CMS Electronic Prior Authorization Regulation?

By Tony Schueth, MS, Point-of-Care Partners, CEO & Managing Partner

Diving Deeper into CMS’ Proposed Rule on Electronic Prior Authorization for Medicare Part D Drugs

By Jocelyn Keegan, Payer Practice Lead, and Ken Kleinberg, Innovative Technologies Practice Lead

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